Sunday, June 28, 2009

My day of rest

Today went something like this: getting jabbed in the nose by Isaac's piercing fingers causing my nose to BLEED, Ashton finding a pen and using it on paper and everything else (my couch, the wall, my bed sheets), a dropped and shattered plate at lunch, board games found and scattered across the living room floor, a water bottle emptied carefully all over the floor and console table (followed by a sweet little boy eager to show off his handy work) a dropped and cracked tupperware at dinner, and overdone cookies. All in all, a typical day...


Kirst said...

Oh, the glorious days of motherhood; the days when we remember their smiles and laughter and the good times in order to get through each mess. Hang in there sis, I know you are doing a wonderful job as a mother.

becca said...

My goodness, that's a lot of stuff going wrong in one day! I'm sorry!

sarah said...

Thank goodness you've got a great sense of humor.