First, and most important, Tyler started residency! He has to report to the base in military dress, and I'll admit, he looks HOT but even HOTTER in his long white doctors coat. He has been incredibly busy working in Neurosurgery and we are missing him a lot. While Tyler was working a 30 hour shift this weekend (which turned into 33 straight hours of trauma after trauma) Ashton started yelling, "I want my DADDY!" it was pretty cute. This brings me to our next big event.
Monday we had a little friend Ashton's age over. It was hot, of course, so we went outside to fill up the inflatable pool and while Ashton, Kate, Isaac and I were waiting for the pool to fill Ashton ran back inside and closed the door. I went to go inside a few minutes later to grab suits and Ashton and the door was locked. Ashton had locked it when he went in so I tried to coach him in unlocking the door. He tried and tried and we were getting hotter and hotter. I started to check the windows, pulling off a screen near the couch and proceeded to guide Ashton to unlatching the window lock...still no luck. I began to panic. Isaac was bright red (he had sunscreen on, he just gets REALLY red when he gets hot). I tried to kick in the door. I kicked and kicked, I even threw myself into the luck (little Kate tried to help too, mimicking my actions from talking to Ashton to kicking the door, and when she would get bored of that she was off splashing in the pool, not a worry in the world, I wish I could have mimicked that!). I decided I need help and ran the 2 kids next door to the sweet neighbors. They watched the kids and let me use their phone to call the fire department. Within minutes the firemen were here repeating all the steps I had just done only with better luck. With the same instructions that I had given Ashton, one fireman asked Ashton to unlock the door and one his third try, It was done!!! I swooped him up in my arms, hysterical and grateful. And with all the chaos, Ashton was fine, toys were EVERYWHERE, and with an hour and half in a house all to himself, why not?
Moving on, Ashton is potty training!!! And the way it happened was SOOOOOOO unlike me. Ashton didn't want to wear his diaper...he fought it for an hour or so and so I thought, what the heck, let's potty train! So he's been at it for 4 days now and OF COURSE Day 1 I wanted to quite. 3 Accidents in the morning UGHHHH. I called my sis, got a great tip and we were off. He's only had one accident a day since. and the best part is, we still go out. The store, the park, the zoo, wherever. I just take the small potty we bought at IKEA which fits in the basket of the stroller and he's got his familiar place to go on the go! My only tip for all those considering potty training soon is that when you are at home, no clothes from the waist down is the way to go. Then move to underwear...pull ups are a NO (unless used for sleeping), I mean come on, they feel just like diapers. Anyways, I am SOOOO proud of him, he is my little angel, he's brilliant, sweet and funnier than heck.
And lastly, my little Isaac. Asides from being the happiest cutest little thing EVER he finally is moving!!! Yesterday he started scooting backwards!!! He's only done it twice but it's exciting...He also loves pinwheels, trucks, making elephant sounds, and banging toys together. He's still to heavy support his own weight on his legs but he's practicing. Seriously, SO CUTE!!!
I wanted to add pics with this post, maybe tomorrow....
I'm glad you're doing well in San Antonio! We will have to plan a get together soon! It is nice to know that when I do have kids I can call you for lots of advice on things like potty training. I would have no idea how to even begin such a feat (=
So glad the tip worked, I've been meaning to call and check on the progress. I'm glad you survived the locked out episode... and YAY for Isaac. I know that's a big milestone. Lastly I love you all!
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